Monday, October 6, 2008

わたしはAndaman Islandsへいきます。

Pardon me for sounding like a dork. I need to practice with something that my limited Japanese skills will allow for, so I'm going to describe what I plan to do in December (go to the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal) in a few different ways.

わたしはじゅうがつにじゅうにさんにちにAndaman Islandsへいきます。
わたしはともだちとAndaman Islandsへいきます。
わたしはひこうきでAndaman Islandsへいきます。
わたしはじゅうにがつにじゅうさんにちともだちとひこうきでAndaman Islandsへいきます。


Erich said...

I could be wrong but I think you meant to write:
わたしはじゅうにがつにじゅうさんにちにAndaman Islandsへいきます。
わたしはともだちとAndaman Islandsへいきます。
わたしはひこおきでAndaman Islandsへいきます。
わたしはじゅうにがつにじゅうさんいちにともだちとひこおきでAndaman Islandsへいきます。

The particles go after the words they are associated with. But I'm still jealous of your trip, that sounds like a lot of fun. What will you do there?
Any time you want to practice Japanese I'd be happy to help.


Stacy said...

Aha. That was what I meant. I didn't have my book with me when I was writing it, but I shouldn't be dependent on my book.

I'm going to go diving, sit around, hang around the villages and see what people are up to, and maybe go on a short little trek.